Welcome to the İ​TÜ Alumni Association USA. We are non-profit, charitable organization founded in NY State in 2004. Please, join us helping needy students of sciences during major financial, earthquake and coronavirus difficulties.

We are extending our deepest condolences to our nation and all citizens who have suffered losses of family and friends during the major earhquakes of 2023.
Additionally, we are also remembering with loving memory our friends, professors and other health professionals who became victims of coronavirus and other former professors.
In their memory, we created a scholarship campaign to support studies and works by students. They are our future.
Please help them during these most difficult times.
Prof. Dr. Ihsan Ketin - Prof. Dr. Aykut Barka/PublishingImages/IhsanKetin-AykutBarka.jpg
In Memory of our Scientists of GeologyIn page navigation
Our Earthquake Campaigns - Purple Container Sites/PublishingImages/CananGullu1.jpg
/SitePages/ITUMDUSA_Earthquake_Relief_Campaigns.aspxIn page navigation
Prof. Nejat Veziroglu, Memorial Scholarship/PublishingImages/NejatVeziroglu.png
/SitePages/Prof_Nejat_Veziroglu.aspxIn page navigation
Ord. Prof.  Bedri  KarafakıoğluKarafakioglu
Ord_Prof_Bedri_Karafakioglu.aspxNew tab
Prof. Erwin Freundlich/PublishingImages/SitePages/ErwinFreundlich/ErwinFreundlich-UniStAndrews2.jpg
Astronomer, Einstein's Associate
/SitePages/Prof_Erwin_Freundlich.aspxNew tab
Prof. Nüzhet Gökdoğan/PublishingImages/NuzhetGokdogan1.jpg
1910 - 2003, Astronomer
/SitePages/Prof_Nuzhet_Gokdogan.aspxNew tab
Yitirdiklerimiz - Victims of Covid-19/PublishingImages/YitirdigimizProflar.jpg
Saglik Calisanlari
Yitirdigimiz Saglik GorevlileriNew tab
Thanks & Appeals by StudentsThanks by Students
Scholarship Report
ITUMDUSA Scholarship ReportNew tab
In Memoriam of Late Members, Friends/PublishingImages/SevginDuygSinaNedim.jpg
In Memoriam
/SitePages/InMemoryOf_Former_Members.aspxNew tab
Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Öğrenci Tezleri/PublishingImages/dna-150.png
Molecular Biology & Genetics Student Thesis & Dissertations
Molecular Biology & Genetics - Thesis & DissertationsNew tab
Uçak - Uzay Mühendisliği Tezleri/PublishingImages/rocket195.png
Uçak ve Uzay Mühendisliği, Tezler
Aeronautics & Space Thesis & Dissertations
Thesis & DissertationsNew tab
İTÜ Fizik Müh. Tezleri/PublishingImages/atom-128.png
İTÜ Physics Eng. Theses
İTÜ Physiscs EngineeringNew tab
İTÜ MD Burs Komitesi - Scholarship Committee/PublishingImages/diploma-128.png
Scholarship Committee and Schloarship Rules
Burs KomitesiNew tab
Burs Komitesi Raporları - Financial Reports/PublishingImages/report2.png
ITUMD Scholarship Committee Reports
/SitePages/Scholarship_Reports.aspxNew tab
Kendimizi Tanıtalım - Introducing Ourselves/PublishingImages/people3-128.png
Let Us Introduce Our Organization.
/SitePages/About_ITUMD_USA.aspxNew tab
Charitable nonprofit donations are tax-deductible.
You can make named donations in memory of a special person.
Please help and donate now or give monthly amounts by clicking.
Every amount counts. Thank you!

İTÜMD USA Scholarship Speech in Florida, December 2019: